St. Leonard, Clent
© Clent P.C.C. 2025

Worcester Diocese Podcast

A sermon podcast for the Baptism of Christ on Sunday 12 January from Canon John Paul Hoskins, Cathedral Precentor.


O God, who by the leading of a star manifested your only Son to the peoples of the earth: mercifully grant that we, who know you now by faith, may at last behold your glory face to face; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Prayers Please pray for_ peace and reconciliation in all areas of conflict the recently-arrived Revd. Tom and his family, wife Robyn,and children Anah and Jacob those who are unwell, inc. George, Mel, Tim, Jemma, Sharni, Darren, Ian and Albert those who have died, inc. Tina, and (Baby) Alfie Ashmore-Moir their family and friends those living in every county & country who visit us either in person or on this web Readings for Sunday 12 January Reading s from ‘Year C’ * Isaiah 43.1-7 * Psalm 29 * Acts 8.14-17 * Luke 3.15-17,21,22 *

Diocesan Prayers

Mon 13 Upton upon Severn Pray for Upton upon Severn, its businesses and community life. For our church: our prayer and bible study groups, future plans for the building, pastoral care and outreach into the community, the work of the choir and upcoming musical events, Open the Book in Upton Primary School and for us as we discern a future pattern of services. For our Music Director and ALM. Clergy: Barry Unwin, Greville Cross, Julieann Watson Tue 14 Earls Croome with Hill Croome and Strensham Please pray for the congregations at Earls Croome, Hill Croome and Strensham and those who support them, particularly our churchwardens. Clergy, Barry Unwin, Jane Fraser; Reader: Mary Weatherill Wed 15 Diocese of Morogoro We pray for Morogoro Bible College in its vital task of preparing people for ministry and for the Principal and his staff team. We ask for God’s blessing on all those presently in training and give thanks for their willingness to make a financial contribution to the cost of their training despite the harsh environment from which they come. Thur 16 Welland Pray for continued growth of links with the community and opportunities to share the good news of Jesus. Clergy: Virginia Clements, Linda Bedford; Reader: Alison Martin Fri 17 Mission and Ministry Team Pray for the Mission and Ministry team giving thanks for their work equipping both lay and ordained ministers for mission and supporting parishes across the Diocese. For Roger Latham, John Fitzmaurice, Doug Chaplin, Robert Barlow, Janet Fox, Ruth Donaldson, Ian Thompson Sat 18 St Wulfstan’s Day As we mark St Wulfstan’s day tomorrow, we pray: Lord God, who raised up Wulfstan to be a bishop among your people and a leader of your Church: help us, after his example, to live simply, to work diligently and to make your kingdom known. Amen Hagley & Clent The Bishop of Worcester has appointed the Rev. Thomas Owen as Rector of the Benefice of Hagley and Clent. Bishop Martin licensed Tom on Thursday 5th December, at 7:00pm, at St, John’s Church, Hagley. Please remember Tom, his wife Robyn, and their children Anah and Jacob, as they arrive in their current parish, change schools and make new friends and contacts.
St. Leonard
© Clent P.C.C. 2024

Worcester Diocese Podcast

A sermon podcast for the Baptism of Christ on Sunday 12 January from Canon John Paul Hoskins, Cathedral Precentor.


O God, who by the leading of a star manifested your only Son to the peoples of the earth: mercifully grant that we, who know you now by faith, may at last behold your glory face to face; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Prayers Please pray for_ peace and reconciliation in all areas of conflict the recently-arrived Revd. Tom and his family, wife Robyn,and children Anah and Jacob those who are unwell, inc. George, Mel, Tim, Jemma, Sharni, Darren, Ian and Albert those who have died, inc. Tina, and (Baby) Alfie Ashmore-Moir their family and friends those living in every county & country who visit us either in person or on this web Readings for Sunday 12 January Reading s from ‘Year C’ * Isaiah 43.1-7 * Psalm 29 * Acts 8.14-17 * Luke 3.15-17,21,22 *

Diocesan Prayers

Mon 13 Upton upon Severn Pray for Upton upon Severn, its businesses and community life. For our church: our prayer and bible study groups, future plans for the building, pastoral care and outreach into the community, the work of the choir and upcoming musical events, Open the Book in Upton Primary School and for us as we discern a future pattern of services. For our Music Director and ALM. Clergy: Barry Unwin, Greville Cross, Julieann Watson Tue 14 Earls Croome with Hill Croome and Strensham Please pray for the congregations at Earls Croome, Hill Croome and Strensham and those who support them, particularly our churchwardens. Clergy, Barry Unwin, Jane Fraser; Reader: Mary Weatherill Wed 15 Diocese of Morogoro We pray for Morogoro Bible College in its vital task of preparing people for ministry and for the Principal and his staff team. We ask for God’s blessing on all those presently in training and give thanks for their willingness to make a financial contribution to the cost of their training despite the harsh environment from which they come. Thur 16 Welland Pray for continued growth of links with the community and opportunities to share the good news of Jesus. Clergy: Virginia Clements, Linda Bedford; Reader: Alison Martin Fri 17 Mission and Ministry Team Pray for the Mission and Ministry team giving thanks for their work equipping both lay and ordained ministers for mission and supporting parishes across the Diocese. For Roger Latham, John Fitzmaurice, Doug Chaplin, Robert Barlow, Janet Fox, Ruth Donaldson, Ian Thompson Sat 18 St Wulfstan’s Day As we mark St Wulfstan’s day tomorrow, we pray: Lord God, who raised up Wulfstan to be a bishop among your people and a leader of your Church: help us, after his example, to live simply, to work diligently and to make your kingdom known. Amen Hagley & Clent The Bishop of Worcester has appointed the Rev. Thomas Owen as Rector of the Benefice of Hagley and Clent. Bishop Martin licensed Tom on Thursday 5th December, at 7:00pm, at St, John’s Church, Hagley. Please remember Tom, his wife Robyn, and their children Anah and Jacob, as they arrive in their current parish, change schools and make new friends and contacts.