St. Leonard, Clent
© Clent P.C.C. 2025
Parish Contact: Sue Priest at Parish Office, St. Saviour’s Church. 3, Park Rd, Hagley, Stourbridge. DY9 0NS Tel: 01562 886 363 Email: Office hours - 9:00-1:00 on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. ___________________________________________________________ Ministry team: Revd Tom Owen 07383 920 702 Revd Kim Topham 07952 162 373 Lay Ministry team: Readers, LLMs & ALMs: Alison Lewis LLM 1 01562 731 873 Rosie Padmore ALM 2 07931 216 656 Church Wardens: Neill Robb 07484 830 487 Neil Harvey 07887 627 106 Nick Maybee 07970 632 781 Organist / Choirmaster Harry Grove 01562 777 967 Giving: Should you wish to make a donation or set-up a regular contribution to St. Leonard’s Church and it’s work:- Clent PCC Sort code 40-43-17 A/c 31136593 Treasurer: Web Sites: _________________________________________________________ Lay ministry is a term used for ministers of faith, who have not been ordained. LLM 1 is a Licensed Lay Minister - trained in theology, pastoral work and a variety of ministerial skills, with a key role to help people think with clarity and imagination about God's presence and activity in the world ALM 2 is an Authorised Lay Minister - who has trained on a one year course with specialist modules in parish work. Ordained ministry, licensed lay ministry and authorised lay ministry all work together to support the shared witness and service of those who are called into Christ’s fellowship. Please accept our apologies that genuine visitors to this site cannot be linked immediately through to activities and have to submit their names and on-line addresses to our clergy initially, to have log-on details e.mailed to them. This is because our Zoom services have been ‘crashed’ by persons wishing to disrupt proceedings and ridicule our worship. “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” This is a very light cross to bear. For information about CLENT CONNECT , whose aim is .. “To provide the residents of Clent with a friendly, vibrant, socially inclusive community hub incorporating a café and small shop to create a focus and enhance village life” Please follow this link_ _________________________________________________________


NEW HUB Opening Hours: Monday 09:00 – 17:00 Wednesday 09:00 – 17:00 Thursday 09:00 – 17:00 Friday 09:00 – 17:00 Saturday 10:00 – 16:00 Clent Connect Hub is closed on Tuesdays and Sundays. Clent Connect SHOP Opening Hours: Tuesday 09:00 – 17:00 Wednesday 09:00 – 17:00 Thursday 09:00 – 17:00 Friday 09:00 – 17:00 Saturday 10:00 – 16:00 Clent Connect Shop is closed on Mondays and Sundays. With a tempting array of homemade treats on offer, tea and coffee Paninis, Toasties and Bacon Baps Plenty of space to sit and chat with friends and neighbours For contact regarding this web:-
St. Leonard
© Clent P.C.C. 2024
Parish Contact: Sue Priest at Parish Office, St. Saviour. 1, Park Rd, Hagley, Stourbridge. DY9 0NS Tel: 01562 886 363 Email: ___________________________________________________________ Ministry team: Revd Richard Newton 01562 882 442 Revd Kim Topham 07952 162 373 Lay Ministry team: Readers, LLMs & ALMs: Alison Lewis LLM 1 01562 731 873 Rosie Padmore ALM 2 07931 216 656 Church Wardens: Neill Robb 07484 830 487 Neil Harvey 07887 627 106 Nick Maybee 07970 632 781 Organist / Choirmaster Harry Grove Giving: Should you wish to make a donation or set-up a regular contribution to St. Leonard’s Church and it’s work:- Clent PCC Sort code 40-43-17 A/c 31136593 Web Sites: _________________________________________________________ Lay ministry is a term used for ministers of faith, who have not been ordained. LLM 1 is a Licensed Lay Minister - trained in theology, pastoral work and a variety of ministerial skills, with a key role to help people think with clarity and imagination about God's presence and activity in the world ALM 2 is an Authorised Lay Minister - who has trained on a one year course with specialist modules in parish work. Ordained ministry, licensed lay ministry and authorised lay ministry all work together to support the shared witness and service of those who are called into Christ’s fellowship. _________________________________________________________ Please accept our apologies that genuine visitors to this site cannot be linked immediately through to activities and have to submit their names and on-line addresses to our clergy initially, to have log-on details e.mailed to them. This is because our services have been ‘crashed’ by persons wishing to disrupt proceedings and ridicule our worship. “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” This is a very light cross to bear. For information about CLENT CONNECT , whose aim is .. “To provide the residents of Clent with a friendly, vibrant, socially inclusive community hub incorporating a café and small shop to create a focus and enhance village life” please follow this link_


Opened SATURDAY 11



and functioning ..

Initial Opening Hours: Monday: 9am till 5pm # Wednesday: 9am till 1pm * # Friday: 9am till 5pm # Saturday: 10am till 2pm * # Clent ‘Pop - Up’ Café, with a tempting array of homemade treats on offer, tea and coffee, and plenty of space to sit and chat with friends and neighbours. The Clent Connect café is currently open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9am until midday. (*) Clent Connect Shop, a range of essentials, along with fresh produce, and locally made crafts and gifts. (#) Monday: 9am till 5pm Wednesday: 9am till 1pm Friday: 9am till 5pm Saturday: 10am till 2pm Contact regarding this web:-